Black Girls Tech! Computer Wiz Erica Austin

Former IBM employee and computer tech, Erica Austin is the epitome of genius. Growing up, comic books were her refuge. Having a vivid imagination, as most children do, she made the characters come alive. Now Austin’s childhood imagination has become a reality, as she has created a comic book series called “Against the Grain,” which features the character Leslie and her journey.
Austin’s childhood was not a typical one. She was born in Germany, lived in England and Nigeria and has traveled to Europe, vacationed in Amsterdam and attended high school in the states. She would take away a piece of each culture that she was exposed to. “It was great growing up around the world, but because of the different accents and customs I picked up along the way, I was constantly made fun of for it. It is my hope that Leslie inspires young girls and boys to realize that it is alright to be different and you are fine just being who you are!" explains Austin.
Austin currently resides in Chicago and is the owner of a company called Slightly Off Productions. Her innovation, an app which is one of the first of its kind, allows brilliant animations to come alive. The "Against the Grain" app, named for Austin’s comic series, is destined to revolutionize the way comics and graphic novels are read. The app bundles the entire "Against the Grain" comic series into an online store, which offers readers a totally immersive experience. The app also allows users to preview new issues before they buy them and watch animated trailers so they know exactly what they are going to get.
"Against the Grain" featuring Leslie and her journey is available now only at the Apple app store at
For more information on the "Against the Grain," series and its creators, go to
Follow them on Facebook at "Slightly Off Productions," and on Twitter at @slightlyoff99 (Photo Credit: Jazzmyne Public Relations).
(Watch the "Against the Grain" Official Trailer. Coutesy of Jazzmyne PR)