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G.R-OWN CHILDREN & ADULTS: A Short Story by Ken BIG Blake

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We can learn a lot from children. I know I have as they continuously force you to think. I awoke this morning thinking about a child I had a couple of words with months ago. This little girl was around 5 or 6 and seemed to have come out of nowhere. I was reading and looked up and there she was. She wasn’t paying me any attention but I could see that she was deep in concentrated thought.

I said to myself WOW what could this little child be thinking about so strongly. I of course asked her…excuse me young madam but would you care to tell me what is on your mind? She looked over and said to me that she couldn't wait to become BIG. I asked her why and she said that she would be able to make her own decisions. I then wondered why a child so young had thoughts of becoming an adult so quick.

Well this morning I came up with the answer in a round about kind of ME way. Young adults are very quick to say that they are G.R.OWN. They feel that they are ready to take over their own lives when we feel that they may not be ready. People mature at different rates.C.H.I.L.D.R.E.N sometimes feel as if they are captives to A.D.U.L.T.S. *whims at any given moment. *(Baby get up at 2am and show them how to tootsie roll)

Well….I would like to say to the children out there…be patient…We don’t always make the right decisions at the right times but in the grand scheme of things we are all children in the eyes of GOD.

Now as far as G.R-OWN CHILDREN & ADULTS are concerned I have a couple of acronyms to share with you. Getting Ready - OWN. Kids want to own their own decisions about their lives.

Choices Having Independent Life Determining Rights Even Nourishment. Adults decide what children can do and eat. Nourishment can also be considered food for their minds.

All Decisions Ultimately Leading To Self. This is the main reason that they can’t wait to getBIG…….. ...M.U.S.T. L.I.S.T.E.N. T.O. G.E.T!!!

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