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The 2015 Empowerment Gala

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The 2015 Empowerment Gala is only four weeks away. Join Dr. Sherry Blake as she equips, inspires, and empowers people to reach their goals in their lives. Dr. Sherry is the founder of the Edge Empowerment Foundation. She has spent over 25 years educating others and working to reduce stigma associated with mental illness, while promoting mental wellness.

The Empowerment Gala serves as the annual black tie fundraiser event for the Edge Empowerment Foundation. The Gala will introduce the UMATTER national campaign and honor select community leaders, celebrities, and individuals who have been impacted by mental health, as well as serve as a call to action for mental health.

Purchase your ticket for the Edge Empowerment Gala at

Cost: UMATTER GALA (Reserved Seating) $175.00 UMATTER GALA (VIP Tickets) $260.00


Make a donation by visiting

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