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An Exclusive Interview With Business Owner Marina Castro Of Castro Construction

Question: Please tell the audience about your upbringing, family history, educational background and family values.

Answer: “I am the youngest of 12 children; second generation United States citizens. I grew up in West, Texas. I am the first to have gone to college and graduated, while my parents having only a 5th grade education. I received my Associates Degree in Criminal Justice from Richland College, Bachelors Degree in Criminology and a Masters Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Texas at Dallas. I am currently waiting on acceptance, to attend UNT Dallas College of Law.”

Question: What are your dreams and passions?

Answer: “My dream is to live the American dream. Seeing my parents work in agricultural fields picking berries or vegetables was life-changing for me. I knew then, there had to be a better way of life, and therefore, I found it. I realize that education is the key. My passions include, helping others reach their goals and bettering themselves. We were all dealt different cards in life and some people have it easier than others; either way, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I advise those striving to start a business, to press on because corporations did not start out as corporations. They started out small and grew. ”

Question: How did you derive at the type of business that you founded? Also, share the business name with our online audience, and provide your website information.

Answer: “Construction has been in my family for over 30 years. My brothers have worked in the construction field individually, until I consolidated the businesses into one business, now called Castro Construction Company (C3). The website is”

Question: Please explain the types of services that your construction business offers.

Answer: “At Castro Construction, we build and renovate all types of structures, and we provide services to include roofing, paving/concrete work, carpentry, drywall, and painting, just to name a few.”

Question: What do you like the most about providing a service to the public?

Answer: “I like to see our clients happy with the type of work we provide. I believe in providing the best service possible for our clients. Therefore, if a client has a special request, we do all that we can to make it happen.”

Question: Do you have a role model?

Answer: “Yes, I have two role models. My parents are my role models, because they taught me how to work for what I want. I am blessed with the work ethics they have instilled in me. My daddy always told me if I want something, to work for it and get it myself and not to depend on a man. He taught me how to drive a car at the age of 12, and how to change a tire, check the oil and other minor maintenance checks for vehicles. Growing up in the country, my daddy also taught me how to drive a tractor and also drive a hay truck during the times my family hauled hay. My mother taught me the importance of maintaining the household, while she worked five different jobs, and found the time to cook meals for her family every day, despite her hectic schedule. My parents are my role models, not in the sense of following in their footsteps, but to use the knowledge they had, but in a different direction. I decided to put that knowledge into getting an education.”

Question: What advice do you want to share with potential business owners and entrepreneurs?

Answer: “The advice I would like to give to potential business owners and entrepreneurs, is to be persistent. Educate yourself on the type of business you are seeking to form, and read on the latest technologies and trends in your field. Having a successful business means keeping up in this fast-paced world of newly invented technologies and trends.”

Question: What is your very own “Formula for Success”?

Answer: “I believe the formula for success is having your priorities in order, such as: (1) God, (2) family, (3) work, in that order.”

Question: What is your favorite charity and please tell us why?

Answer: “My favorite charity is Meals on Wheels. I volunteered with them during college and I’ve made elderly friends, while tending to my weekly routes of delivering hot meals. They were happy to see me, just as I was happy to see them every week. I even took my boys on a delivery on one of their Spring breaks, and they really enjoyed the experience. Seeing a smile on my elderly friends’ faces was priceless.”

Question: How do you handle business adversities and struggles?

Answer: “I try to find the root cause and strategize on how to develop a process that will alleviate the concerns. Communication is essential in understanding what the concerns are; therefore, it helps with obtaining a resolution.”

Question: Do you offer specials or discounts on large construction projects, or offer referral fees?

Answer: “We do offer discounts on projects on a case-by-case basis and we provide estimates at no cost.”

Question: How can Prime Contractors help to expand your business?

Answer: “Prime Contractors can help to expand my business, by selecting my company for sub-contracting work.”

Question: How can the public help to expand your business?

Answer: “The public can help expand my business by sharing with others their outstanding experience they had with us, so we can gain referrals.”

Question: Is there anything else you would like to share with our online viewers?

Answer: “No job is too small and no job is too big. Being flexible with our clients’ schedules, allows us to provide exceptional services.”

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