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Exclusive Interview With Television/Radio Broadcaster, Cynthia Austin

Cynthia Austin stopped by Fuzionz Magazine and TV to talk about her broadcast "The Cynthia Austin Show." The Renowned Television/Radio Broadcaster has one of the fastest growing local TV shows in North Texas. Please continue to read this article about a phenomenal lady, as she shares her dreams and talks about who she is behind the scene.

Fuzionz: Please tell our magazine audience about your upbringing, family background and family values.

Cynthia: “I was born and raised in Nacogdoches, Texas (deep East Texas). I was very blessed to have been raised in the country surrounded by family. My grandfather bought some land and distributed it among his children. I was surrounded by aunts, uncles and cousins. What I remember the most was the fun and safety we enjoyed back then. We would play until dark and then turn on the porch lights and kept playing! We could run around the neighborhood and enjoy fresh fruit from the trees. We had apples, pears, peaches, persimmons, plums, figs and black berries galore. To this day, I find it hard that I have to go to the store and pay for those things, when I grew up walking outside and pulling them from the tree or bush in our yard.”

Fuzionz: What are your dreams and passions?

Cynthia: “My dream has always been to host a syndicated Radio Show. I am passionate about pleasing God. I am not a perfect woman, but a woman who seeks to please God in spite of my imperfections.”

Fuzionz: Please share your educational background with our audience.

Cynthia: “I graduated from Nacogdoches High School, attended the University of Houston and Columbia School of Broadcasting.”

Fuzionz: Please share your profession with our audience.

Cynthia: “I am a Television/Radio Broadcaster. My last radio job was at KASE 101 in Austin. We were voted the #1 Country Radio Station in America twice. Television found me about 5 years ago, when someone approached me and asked me to host a local television show. After the station closed, another gentleman asked me to host his show. After that ended, another gentleman asked me to host his show. After that ended, a producer asked me to work with him on a show. That fell through and so I prayed and asked the Lord why was I getting these television opportunities. I asked God if this is what He wants me to do, and if it is, then please send me the things I need to proceed and here we are… the fastest growing local show in North Texas!”

Fuzionz: Do you have a role model? Who is your favorite author, and tell us why?

Cynthia: “Jesus Christ is my role model. After him, I guess it would be President Barak Obama. He is so cool. In spite of the challenges he has faced, he remained poised and in control. My favorite author is Oswald Chambers... “My Utmost for His Highest.” Awesome book!”

Fuzionz: How did you become a television host and please share your journey in the television industry? How do you deal with struggles and conflicts?

Cynthia: “As I stated earlier, television opportunities kept coming my way, and so I finally had to break down and ask God if this is what He wants me to do. My journey in this industry has been an interesting one. I am learning… that is all I will say today. I am learning with a smile and shaking my head. I deal with the struggles and conflicts by ignoring those things I can and praying for those who oppose me. Those things that have to be dealt with… I deal with them. The Bible talks about the natural and the spiritual. I understand now why I had to go through so much pain in my past, because it taught me how to stand alone, stay focused on God and seek to please Him and Him alone. If God is for me, He is more than the world against me.”

Fuzionz: How can the public help you take your television program to the next level of success?

Cynthia: “By watching and supporting. Watching is important; however, if you have a business and would like to advertise on television, contact us. We would greatly appreciate it.”

Fuzionz: What are your short term goals for your business, as well as your long term goals?

Cynthia: “The short term goals are being reached and right now we are working on and preparing for the long term goals, International syndication.”

Fuzionz: Who played a major impact in your passions and dreams?

Cynthia: “My two daughters.”

Fuzionz: What charity group are you involved with and please tell our audience the reason for your support?

Cynthia: “I am not involved with any particular group at this point. I try to support as many as I can. However, I do find myself leaning more towards those groups that are helping women get re-activated into society, coming from abused relationships and incarceration. I support those groups because I went from being a woman of means to a woman on welfare. I had to start over with two small girls and learn to live on my own again. I cleaned houses, sat with the sick and elderly and did whatever I had to do to pay rent and try to stay alive until I felt like I really wanted to live again. This time it wasn’t just me, I had to support. It was two small people who depended on me. I understand how both men and women feel who have to start over as single parents. We have to get the parent back in a position of power within the home, so that the family unit can thrive and survive.”

Fuzionz: What is your personal formula for success? What advice do you want to give to potential television hosts?

Cynthia: “Putting God first and seeking to please Him, treating people the way I want to be treated. Seeking to stay in His will for my life” is my formula. “I would say to potential television hosts, know that you know that you know this is what you were put here to do. Not want to do, but put here to do. It makes a world of difference. Don’t seek to be seen, seek to be in the good and perfect will of God for your life. Be effective.”

Fuzionz: Please share your website information with our audience.

Cynthia: “ Like us on Facebook at: Facebook/CynthiaAustinTVShow”

Fuzionz: Do you have any upcoming events, or campaigns you want to share with our magazine audience?

Cynthia: “Not at this time. I just wrapped up my last speaking engagement for this year. We are preparing for our move in 2017, and that is keeping us busy!”

Fuzionz: Is there anything else you would like to share with our audience?

Cynthia: “Be you. Don’t try to be like anyone. Just be yourself. There is a reason God made you the way you are. He has a plan for your life. I believe Him with you and for you!”

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